Why You Should Buy The Hifu Anti Wrinkle Device in 2023 - Purple Hifu Anti Wrinkle Device & Advanced Machines in Pakistan

Why You Should Buy The Hifu Anti Wrinkle Device in 2023

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Though wrinkles are not uncommon, they still greatly affect your appearance. With the advancement in technology, more effective methods are in practice to minimize these effects.  

One of these methods is to use a home anti-wrinkle device like Hifu. But before digging deeper into the uses and benefits of the Hifu anti-wrinkle device, let’s take a look at what wrinkles actually are, their causes and how are they treated. 





What are wrinkles?

When taking a look at the palm of your hand, you will notice lines in your skin. As you age, lines like those in your palm will form on other parts of your body’s skin such as your face and neck. These lines are called wrinkles.

 Wrinkles are lines that form on your skin when it gets loose. It is a natural process that occurs as humans age. They appear as ridges, folds, or creases. Wrinkles are less apparent when you’re relaxed or you are at rest but they may become more noticeable when you move your facial muscles by smiling or frowning.

Types of skin tightening treatments

There are various nonsurgical treatments that help in the treatment of wrinkles.

Non-Surgical skin tightening procedures are actually cosmetic treatments that help to change your look.

These procedures are far less invasive than surgical options, like facelifts and there are also fewer complication risks in these treatments. It’s less expensive, and recovery is also simple.

These treatments are based on new technologies which means that there’s still a gap in research to understand how effective they are, and what the long-term side effects they would cause in the future.

When you’re born, your skin is rich with proteins called collagen and elastin. These proteins give your skin elasticity and structure. As you age, your body’s production of these proteins slows down which causes the skin to lose its elasticity.

Thanks to gravity, stress, pollution exposure,  and the hundreds of movements that your facial muscles make every day, your skin might start to appear stretched or saggy.

Other factors including pregnancy and weight loss, can also contribute to stretch marks and sagging skin.

Non-Surgical skin tightening treatments target the specified areas of your skin that have become loose with age and stimulate collagen production underneath that skin.

 The two main types of nonsurgical treatment are:

  • In-office procedures are performed by a trained and professional provider.
  • At-home devices you can use to give yourself treatment to tighten up wrinkles.

In-office skin tightening procedures

Radiofrequency (Exilis, Thermalift, and Thermage ). Thermalift uses the concept of “waking up” or restoring lost collagen in the skin.

Thermalift uses a device that applies controlled radio waves to the area of your skin that you would like to tighten. The procedure is done with no anesthesia, and no recovery time is needed 

Thermage requires one treatment session, but some people also need multiple sessions. Whether you get one treatment or several, results are only slightly noticeable right away, and typically take 4 months to take full effect and you’ll get your wrinkle problem solved.

Intense pulsed light/radiofrequency (Velashape)

Velashape is a device that targets and shrinks fat cells. It uses a handheld device to send infrared waves into your skin layers to break apart the fat deposits. Radiofrequency waves are also used in this procedure..

At-home devices

Ultrasound therapy

Ultrasound skin tightening is a procedure that uses ultrasound waves and sends them deep into your skin to stimulate collagen production which results in tightening the skin.

Non-invasive, painless, and with no downtime, HIFU is one of the most effective and gentle alternatives to surgical intervention and it involves working with the skin to refresh and rejuvenate your appearance.

What is a HIFU anti-wrinkle device?

HIFU is a revolutionary non-invasive rejuvenating treatment that helps in non-surgical facelifts. HIFU stands for High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound, which uses advanced cosmetic technology to lift and tighten the skin with an anti-aging effect.

HIFU is best suited for those who are experiencing signs of aging such as loss of plumpness, sagging, dull skin, lines, and wrinkles. Results using these procedures are long-lasting and can be seen after just one treatment.

Multiple treatments can have a remarkable impact on overall appearance and self-confidence as they will enhance your facial look by removing wrinkles.

HIFU facial uses a special ultrasound to create heat at a deep level within the skin. It damages the targeted skin cells to encourage and stimulate the body’s natural healing response.

As it does so, collagen is produced to aid cell regrowth, enhancing skin’s structure and elasticity which makes it smoother and gives you a younger appearance.

What is a HIFU anti-wrinkle device?

HIFU works by using advanced technology. It combines all the below-mentioned factors to give you a younger, wrinkle-free, and fresh look.

RF (Radio Frequency)

The Radio Frequency heats up the dermis to enhance collagen cell activity and metabolism. It opens pores so the skin can relax and regenerate faster.

EMS Micro Current

The EMS micro-current aims at the epidermal layer and targets the epidermal layer of the skin. This has a skin-lifting and tightening effect.

Blue/Red/Purple Light

The blue light shows that the device is working, the red light shows radio frequency is on and the purple light shows that the EMS is on.

HIFU Function

The ultrasonic wavelength penetrates into the dermis and fascia layer. It is suitable for the face, forehead, corner of eyes, neck, chin, and other facial features.

Bipolar RF and LED Light

The non-invasive and focus penetrating advantage of HIFU technology can be used without surgery or injection to act on designated subcutaneous areas of the skin.

The subcutaneous tissues will  transient heating under high-frequency vibrations 

This treatment makes the skin cell regrow in faster way.

Benefits of HIFU

  • Wrinkle-free Skin
  • Tightened Skin Muscles
  • Rejuvenated Skin
  • Stimulates Blood Flow

1/ Wrinkle-free Skin

As HIFU stimulates the development of new collagen, it plumps and erases fine lines and wrinkles to reduce their appearance and prevent new lines from occurring.

2/ Tightened Skin Muscles

Through encouraging cell regrowth and promoting enhanced skin elasticity HIFU has a lifting and tightening effect, especially for common areas of concern such as the jowls, cheeks, chin, brows, and eyes.

 3/ Rejuvenated Skin

Sometimes a surgical intervention can result in a dramatically different appearance which eventually gives an unnatural feel to it. 

5/Stimulates Blood Flow

HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) device provides you with a non-invasive method to target specific subcutaneous areas of the skin. HIFU waves penetrate your skin with high-frequency vibrations and the subcutaneous tissues produce transient heat in the skin.

The frequency rises to the energy level optimal for cell regeneration in your skin so that it regenerates.

What causes wrinkles and how HIFU helps to avoid them?

Wrinkles are most often found on your face, arms, hands, and neck however they can also appear anywhere on your body. People start to experience wrinkles as they get older. 

As the body ages, you’ll notice fine lines which begin to appear on your body which is wrinkles. This can start after the age of 25 to 30. 

 People between the ages of 40 to 50 are more prone to look for wrinkle treatments.

To tackle this issue effectively we must know the causes of wrinkles and how to avoid them.


Certain factors can cause early wrinkles for example if you have sun-damaged skin which is also frequently exposed to the sun or smoke tobacco products then these factors will lead to wrinkles.

These factors lose collagen on your skin, which gives your skin support and elasticity, and as a result of loose collagen, you get wrinkles. Slow skin cell production and a lack of collagen proteins cause wrinkles to form on your skin.

There are several other reasons that can cause wrinkles on your skin.


Aging is indeed the number one cause of wrinkles. Wrinkles are a by-product of the aging process of human skin. When people age the rate of skin cell division slows down which causes the middle layer of your skin, the dermis, to become thin.

Though we cannot reverse aging yet we can follow a healthy skincare regime to slow this process. The regular application of HIFU will boost your collagen level and makes you look younger for a longer period of time.

Facial muscle contractions

Lines on your forehead, between your eyebrows, and from the top corners of your eyes develop because of small muscle contractions which occur during Smiling, frowning, squinting, crying, and screaming. 

Many other habitual facial expressions can also cause wrinkles to become more prominent.

HIFU with the help of its deep penetrating ultrasound rays reactivate your skin cells and energizes them to work effectively, hence reducing the fine lines and wrinkles.

Sun damage

Excessive exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun can result in premature aging of your skin mostly known as photoaging.

Damage due to ultraviolet light (UV) on skin tissue results in the production of an enzyme called metalloproteinase which creates and reforms collagen.

 Wrinkles develop when the rebuilding process of collagen occurs over and over and less efficiently each time. It can also occur when metalloproteinase fails to rebuild enough collagen.

HIFU reverses the effect of ultraviolet rays on your skin to reconstruct collagen and gives you healthy-looking skin.

Environmental factors

Pollutants in the air in your environment can cause your body’s collagen to break down as pollution enters your pores and cause problems. A Constantly polluted environment speeds up the process of aging. 

The constant use of HIFU helps you to minimize the damage caused by environmental factors and you can get your desired look without any costly skin care treatment.

Bring it to a close!

HIFU is wonderful because it works to provide subtle but noticeable results and enhances natural beauty. After this treatment, you may experience some mild redness and swelling, but this should only last between 24-48 hours. You’ll also receive full aftercare In order to maximize your results.